Hi! I'm Honee. Just a smol creature who writes things on the internets and shares all of the interesting things I find! It's not just me here though! My Papi and Dadda will also have stuffs to say.
️Yeah. I'm Carlos, Honee's Papi. You can tell who's talking to you with the handy little pictures to the left of our text. We also have different text colors so you can use that as an indicator, too. Honee's is purple, Mine is dark gray and my beloved Francis uses dark blue.
Yeah, by the way I'm Francis. I didn't want to use colors but Carlos insisted. I'm immune to his displeasure but a visitor like you might not be so lucky. He tends to get...stabby.
You love it. >:3
You be good. Don't be smoochin' all over the place. >:|
They gets like this sometimes...fussing and stuffs and then they starts smoochin'.
Oh, I wouldn't dream of it. Smooching all over the website...Your Papi though...he thinks of nothing but smooching.
That's my life. Smooching and muuuuuurder.
NO MURDURS. NO SMOOCHINGS. *pushes them away from the keyboard* HMMPH. Can't gets good parents these days!
Confused by them? It's...complicated!
It is easier to link to my Carrd where everything is already laid out nicely!