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Can I interest you in some Pride Petz in these tryin' times? These are little images for you to put on your own site.

Petz is a game series originally created by PF Magic in the early 90's. It allows computer users to adopt moving, dynamic virtual petz on their computers. These petz can be interacted with (for good or for ill!) and will form their own opinions on things such as toys, clothing and even whether they're friends with or dire enemies with other petz.

Originally coming with various cat or dog breedz, new creations can be made by hexing the files into something new. Or horrific.

Such as these two unfortunates who were flipped 'upside down' by me. Do not worry. I fixed them so they are right side up and also covered with fancy textures.

Here they are with their normal cat friend who is yeeting a mouse into the sky.

Oh yes. There are rodents and roaches in the game. And the catz in particular like to torment them.

You came to the wrong neighborhood, digital mouse.

Lest you think this is all I have to say about this game that has been a favorite since my early teenage years...I will be adding profiles for my various petz and abominations so that you may look upon them with wonder...or terror. Terror is also good.